Matrix has deployed time-attendance solution in government ambulances in MP (Madhya Pradesh)
Industry: Healthcare
Location: Multi locations across Madhya Pradesh
Application: Time-Attendance
Users: 700+
Devices: 144+
Unlike other developed nations, there is one doctor for every 1,445 people in Indian, which is still lower than the WHO prescribed 1:1,000 doctor-population ration. While, the healthcare infrastructure in metros and larger towns and cities are reasonably decent, the situation in India’s hinterlands is not good. Hospitals at block and even sub-divisional levels are not well-equipped with adequate deployments of doctors and paramedics. Rural communities have struggled for a long time to maintain access to quality healthcare services.
But the issues related with the dearth of medical staff and healthcare infrastructure alone are not disturbing, the equal perturbing element is the inadequate availability of ambulance services in India’s rural and semi-urban areas.
So, people falling sick in villages and talukas find difficult to get timely treatments as ambulance services are not readily available. Those who have their private vehicles are lucky to get medication on time; but for majority of rural citizenry, access to ambulance services is a big zero. And this healthcare scenario is true for most of the states in the country, where ambulance services are not easily available to rural populace.
It is this context, which has prompted the Government of Madhya Pradesh (MP) to engage a private player – Ziqitza Health Care Limited – offering well-equipped ambulance services throughout the state.
Ziqitza Health Care signed with the provincial government to implement emergency medical ambulance and healthcare services. So, these ambulances – numbering 144 vehicles – bring emergency medical assistance through paramedics and doctors. And if needs are there to shift patients to hospitals for better care, they transport them to respective medical centres. These clinics-on-wheels called Madhya Pradesh Mobile Units (MMU), would travel in rural areas, covering every village in the state.
As these ambulances keep on the go continually, capturing attendance of paramedics and doctors has been a challenging task as the control rooms needed to have clear pictures on the availability of medical and non-medical staff associated with these mobile units. So, keeping track of 144 ambulances all together with doctors and nurses has been a difficult task. Also, vibrations from moving vehicles led to difficulty in installation of attendance marking devices. Furthermore, provision of LAN connections not being easy in moving vehicles, device connectivity brought in another problem.
After comprehensive discussion, Matrix offered flexible and reliable devices and software to the Government of Madhya Pradesh for MMUs in rural areas. Around 144 devices were installed in these ambulances in a way that they could withstand the vibrations of moving vehicles.
Matrix time-attendance solution has enabled them to capture accurate attendance of doctors and nurses. These devices also allow keeping track of each of these ambulances having more than 700 users. The MMUs have got auto push technology, which transfers data to the server in real-time. For real-time data transfer, they use USB data dongles with 3G/4G connectivity.
The solution has improved efficiency through real-time attendance data.